Free Assessment 免費評估 Occupation, Position and Years of Experience 工作行業, 職位及年資
Have you ever owned a business? If yes, please describe what is the nature of your business? 你有沒有經營生意經驗? 如有,請問你的業務性質是什麼?
Are you an investor in assets (eg. shares, bonds, securities, properties (other than for self living), etc)? If yes, what is the approximate amount of investments in the last financial year? 你有沒有投資經驗 (例如: 股票,債券,證券, 房地產(非自住), 等)?如有,你去年的投資額大 約是多少?
Approximate Net Assets (ie. assets minus liabilities) for both you and your partner 你和你的配偶(合共)過去兩年的商業及個人資產淨值大約是多少?
Are you Married/Have Kids/Single? Any information you would like to let us know, such as professional qualifications that you may have, please state here. 你結婚/單身/有孩子嗎?您想讓我們知道的任何信息,例如您可能擁有的專業資格,請在此說明:
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